Testimonies from the Encounter weekend April 2016
The encounter weekend over Friday night and Saturday was a mixture of learning and healing for me.
Watching how the Holy Spirit worked through Pastor Noble and Pastor Ruban to firmly and yet wisely draw the people at the weekend, to a point where we willingly confessed our hidden pain and secret sins. The parts of us that have shaped how we see, understand and interact with God. Some of the obstacles were out of our control and some we have put in place unwittingly. These wounds have been hindering our open and honest walk with our Jesus. We came to that point where we offered them willingly to the Holy Spirit for healing. This has been a dramatic life changing event for some of us. For me a new clarity and comfort as I continue to improve my relationship with God my heavenly Father.
This is not a once and for all event but rather a healing and teaching of how to continue to deal with the attaches that will come in the future.
God has set me free
Don Phillips.
On the weekend of the 1st and 2nd of April 2016 my wife Anne and myself (Don) went to a Church Camp down at Bussleton, about 55 Kilometres south of where we live, this was to attend the “ENCOUNTER WEEKEND” run by Calvary Assembly Church from Bunbury Western Australia.
What a weekend, the whole purpose of this camp was to allow ourselves to be cleansed of any rubbish that we have picked up along life’s journey, and to allow GOD to get right in under our skin (so to speak) and expose just what things has lain hidden within us. Things like hurts from the past, unforgiveness, unfulfilled expectations and all of the other rubbish that one picks up through the pain and disappointment we face aswe go throughthe growing process we call life.
This weekend was one where we could not just sit in the back row and be a spectator, everyone was involved in all of the classes and the camp duties. As expected, GOD met with us all and exposed things in each and every one of us allowing things from the deep past to surface and be dealt with through Prayer and Repentance.
I can only speak for myself about what it felt like but I know that everyone that went to this camp that I have spoken to since that time has nothing but great things to say about how different and clean they feel now in comparison to how they felt before the camp, and this is exactly how I feel.
I have been a Christian for almost 30 years, I have attended 4 separate Bible Colleges, I have taught in another two Colleges and in all of that time and through all of those experiences there has not been such a tremendous cleansing within me as has happened on this weekend that we mention here. GOD has brought things to light and allowed us to get that rubbish right out of our lives and out of our Ministries.
I can, and do recommend anyone who is thinking of doing any of these encounter sessions to do it, it is hard as you go through it, but as with everything of GOD, it is always worth going through.
After receiving a vision at from God with the words written "Great Turn", I've been searching for the answer from God, and received the revelation in the following scripture: Acts 14:15 "Men, why are you doing these things? We also are men with the same nature as you, preach, to you that you should TURN from these useless things to the living God, who made the heaven, the earth, the sea and all things that are in them,"
"Useless" means: fruitless, empty, futile, frivolous, hollow, unreal, unproductive, lacking substance, trifling, ineffectual, void of results, devoid of force
We keep our minds occupied with things that are useless, things that has no fruit and also the enemy is keeping our in control and in bondage by reminding us of all these useless things. These useless things are hurt caused by people, mistakes we made, sin we committed, rejection, worthlessness and many more things
During the weekend Pastor Noble talked about the wall which was built by bricks of sin to separate us from God. My wall was an emotional wall built by bricks of hurt, rejection, pain, cursed words spoken over me, no love, criticism, no belonging and not good enough. This wall was there to protect me from further destruction.
After completing the list of sins, generational curses, hurt, failures, which we had to tear up and throw in a box to be destroyed, I felt a relieve, a freedom which I never experiences before. I am set free from all my sins, I am set free from everything that caused me to builtthat wall. I felt blameless and now I feel there is no shame, nothing the accuser has on me and I don't have to put up a wall anymore to protect me, I am free from all those "useless things". I have Gods protection no matter what happens. This was a prophetic act in the natural and it manifest in the spiritual.
I fasted before the weekend and prayed, I went with an expected heart and wanted to be changed. I did not want to come back the same. I received more than freedom, and new oil. I received the baptism of fire, in such a tangible way. It was what I was contending for, for a long time and I received Gods touch in abundance.
Thank you for everyone that made the weekend possible, Pastor Noble, Anoja and Pastor Ruben, but the biggest appreciation to God our heavenly Father.
To you all the praise and honor.
Love, Chris
I dealt with things on many levels. The person I am inside. The person behind my eyes, is a young man.
Cute , strong, and a capable young man. When someone takes a photo of me, or I see myself in the mirror, I look with dismay and think, this is not me. This image does not reflect the person inside.
"Don`t worry about what you look like, or what people say." "Stop thinking about yourself and think about someone else`s need, it is a great cure for self analysis/criticism." "DON`T BE SELF CONSCIOUS, BE GOD CONSCIOUS." "You are fearfully and wonderfully made". "A son or daughter of the most high God." "Heirs to the throne." "Precious in the sight of God."
I realised that you can build brick walls in your heart. Walls built with blocks of sin, hurt, rejection, anger, that create barriers between you and people and you and God. We recognised and dealt with things in our hearts, from the past, that could be causing problems in your life today.
Things could have been done or spoken to you right back to when you were in your mum`s tummy, that you received in your spirit, and are effecting you now. At the end of the weekend, after we had prayed, I received and felt great compassion and love. It was like the brick wall had been broken down and I was crying like that young man behind the eyes.
It blessed me and I hope reading this blesses you.
Baptism on the Beach